

"But as for cowards, the unfaithful, the depraved, murderers, the unchaste, sorcerers, idol worshipers and deceivers of every sort, their lot is in the burning pool of fire and sulphur, which is the second death." Rev: 21:8.

Webster's dictionary definitions of the above words merit review and reflection.

Coward: "One who lacks courage to meet danger or difficulty."

Unfaithful: "Not observant of promises, vows, allegiance or duty."

Depraved: "corrupted; perverted; immoral."

Unchaste: Not chaste. 

Chaste: "Not having indulged in premarital or extramarital sexual intercourse." 

Sorcerer: "One practicing witchcraft or sorcery." Sorcerer's often use potions ("drinks supposedly having magical or poisonous powers"). The Greek word in the above passage from Revelation is "pharmakeia." That is where we get our word pharmacy ("the art of preparing and compounding medicines"). Some biblical scholars believe that what is actually being referred to here are those people who made potions (drugs) to terminate pregnancies, a not un-common practice in days of old. 

Idol worshiper: (Idolater) "A worshiper of idols; an excessively devoted admirer."

Deceiver: "One who causes to believe what is false or disbelieve what is true."

It is worth noting that each and every one of the above evil types play a direct role in maintaining and perpetuating the present day "culture of death." Hence, it is not difficult to see the righteousness of God's judgment.

There are two judgments to take place. The first occurs when we die. We will go to heaven, hell or purgatory. This is the preliminary judgment. Then, sometime later, when Christ returns in glory everyone will be raised from the dead and receive bodies. The Last Judgment will take place. Those who have done good will receive everlasting life and the damned will experience the "second death" referred to in the above passage.