

Brian Murphy

Perhaps for many, the word “Heresy” conjures up images of the first phony trial of Joan of Arc (who was later redeemed posthumously at a second trial) or images of some of the corrupt, cruel and unjust rulings of the Inquisition. Some may conclude that heresy is outdated or anachronistic. However, throughout the history of the Church, heresy has really been an important subject for Saints and Church authorities alike. That is because heresy is so damaging. One may say that suicide voluntarily destroys the body while apostasy voluntarily destroys the soul. In a like manner, on a much larger scale, war destroys bodies and heresy destroys souls. The point of this simplified comparison is simply to show that heresy is on par with war as a spiritual evil to be overcome. The Church has always considered heresy to be a dangerous pervasive enemy capable of subverting the souls of the entire Church community. In our time, it behooves us to resurrect the word heresy.

Heresies Against Life

Heresies and false teachings from Jorge Bergoglio

Evidence That Jorge Bergoglio Is a Freemason